
Integrate tools used by your team to analyze data with Kimola Cognitive.
Import customer feedback whether its reviews or interactional conversations.

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Research for Everyone

Kimola is loved by small-mid-sized businesses
and trusted by powerful enterprises across 80+ countries.

Individual researchers, product managers, start-up founders

3,000+ individuals including product managers, UX researchers,
start-up founders create 5 reports in every 3 minutes at Kimola.

Import your favorite tools easily


Customer Management Software

Connect Intercom account to import and analyze customer - agent conversations. Analyze interactional conversations with multi-labels.

Explore Intercom App Store


Customer Management Software

Integrate Zendesk account to import and analyze interactional conversations. Leverage dynamic classification and multi-label classification to understand customers better and measure the performance of agents easily.

Google Sheets

Google Sheets


Easily import data from Google Sheets to analyze with Kimola Cognitive.

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World-Class Customer Support

Since data analytics is a highly sophisticated area, besides offering a good UI/UX, Kimola provides educational content such as articles and video tutorials. Also, you will have live chat support in the dashboard.

7-day Free Trial

Try all features, from creating reports to building machine learning models, for free.

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