E-Commerce Conversations Classifier

E-Commerce Conversations Classifier

This model is created specifically for the E-Commerce Industry. The model has 4 main categories and helps marketing professionals to understand online shopping consumers better.

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Pricing: This label is all about pricing issues on e-commerce sites.
Features and Quality: This label covers the content related to the features and quality of the products on the online shopping sites.
Orders and Delivery: This label indicates conversations around online order and delivery experiences of consumers.
Customer Service: This label represents consumer experiences related to call centers and other online platforms.
Others: This label represents consumer experiences other than given labels.


English , Turkish


The digital age we live in has changed many habits and behaviors we have. Our shopping habits are perhaps one of our daily behaviors that undergo the most change. Although the majority of the population still wants to shop with products that they can touch and see in the physical world, online shopping is as easy as breathing for a segment of society. Therefore, information about online shoppers is becoming more and more important to brands. In the development of the concept of online shopping, it has also gained a wide place in social media. E-commerce sites have started to reach their consumers with their social media accounts and develop brand identities suitable for them. This model is designed to show the views of online shoppers.

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