Patient and Caregiver Conversations Classifier

Patient and Caregiver Conversations Classifier

This model is created specifically for the Health Industry. It helps researchers to label texts by the source. The sources are considered as “patient” and “caregiver” as source-based research in Health is very important to understand the motivations and problems of patients and caregivers separately.

See it in Action!
As Plato said, attention to health is life's greatest hindrance. In every research conducted for the healthcare sector, opinions, concerns, questions, and complaints about a disease and its treatment methods, including medicines, vaccines, and operations, are of great importance. Therefore, many companies focus on subject-based research. However, the source of the data is as important as its content. For example, the reliability of research depends on identifying the source of a conversation about breast cancer (whether it is coming from the patients, the caregivers, or someone who has no idea and experience about the disease) and the data classification accordingly. The "Patient" model is provided to the companies in the healthcare industry that want to understand patients and their families better, respond to their requests, and reduce complaints. The model can classify contents about a disease and its treatment methods, including medicines, vaccines, and operations by the source as patient and caregiver in the fastest and most effortless way.
Caregiver: This label represents the conversations that are written by a caregiver. Please pay your respects to all the caregivers in the world.
Patient: This label represents the conversations written by a patient who talks about their diagnosis, treatment process, or disease story.
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Frequently Asked Questions
About Industry-specific Models

  • Industry-Specific AI Models are pre-trained classifiers built using labeled customer feedback from a specific sector. They help businesses analyze and categorize feedback with high accuracy, without requiring any manual setup.

  • Yes! You can create custom AI models tailored to your needs. Simply upload a training dataset with your own labels, build the model, and start analyzing feedback—all without writing a single line of code.

  • No, our platform is designed to be completely no-code. Just input customer feedback, and the model will classify it instantly.

  • Yes, we offer an API for seamless integration. Visit our Plans & Pricing page to explore the packages that include API access.

  • Yes! You can enter a custom text in our console to see real-time classification results from any of our pre-trained AI models.

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