Mobile Game Conversations Classifier

Mobile Game Conversations Classifier

This model is created specifically for the Mobile Gaming Industry. The model has 4 main categories and helps marketing professionals to understand mobile gamer better.

See it in Action!
With the increasing prevalence of digitalization and the increasing opportunities, it provides to both developers and consumers, the mobile game market has gained rapid momentum all over the world. In particular, we can accept that mobile technologies have started to touch people at almost every point of life as one of the most important breaking points in this process. At the point reached today, it would not be wrong to say that games attract the attention of people from all walks of life. As a matter of fact, the results of the Populus-Ofcom Gaming Survey, which revealed that more than half of adults living in the UK play games last year, support this point of view. These developments in the game world make it inevitable for game companies to analyze player reviews. That's exactly why this model was created to enable quick analysis of player comments.
In-Game Advertising: This label displays player views on ad content encountered in games.
Feature & Design: This label covers gamer reviews of mobile game designs, interfaces and features.
Game Praise: This label contains praise for the games that players have experienced.
Technical Issues: This label displays conversations about mobile gamers' experiences with technical issues like bugs in games.
Need to Build Your Own AI Model?

You can also train custom AI models to classify customer feedback with your own labels. Upload your training set, build your model, and start analyzing—all no code!

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Frequently Asked Questions
About Industry-specific Models

  • Industry-Specific AI Models are pre-trained classifiers built using labeled customer feedback from a specific sector. They help businesses analyze and categorize feedback with high accuracy, without requiring any manual setup.

  • Yes! You can create custom AI models tailored to your needs. Simply upload a training dataset with your own labels, build the model, and start analyzing feedback—all without writing a single line of code.

  • No, our platform is designed to be completely no-code. Just input customer feedback, and the model will classify it instantly.

  • Yes, we offer an API for seamless integration. Visit our Plans & Pricing page to explore the packages that include API access.

  • Yes! You can enter a custom text in our console to see real-time classification results from any of our pre-trained AI models.

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