Product Managers

Analyze product reviews to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need. Generate executive summary, SWOT analysis, most liked product features based on reviews. Analyze reviews with multi-labels to create roadmaps for product teams, filter features mentioned by sentiment. Create competitor analysis by scraping reviews from 30+ channels and share your feedback by adding notes to your reports. Add team members to the Kimola account to share and view reports.

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Marketing and research professionals

3,000+ individuals including Product Managers
create 5 reports in every 3 minutes at Kimola.

Research for Everyone

Kimola is loved by small-mid-sized businesses
and trusted by powerful enterprises across 80+ countries.

Get a quick user research by pasting links from Trustpilot, Amazon or searching applications on app stores.

Copy and paste links from Trustpilot, Amazon or search apps on app stores to scrape and analyze reviews for quick research. Purchase single reports based on the review count that contain customer feedback analysis, sentiment analysis, filter by popular topics and export reviews.

Get a quick user research by pasting links from Trustpilot, Amazon or searching applications on app stores
Analyze product reviews effectively with Kimola Cognitive on a monthly basis

Analyze product reviews effectively with Kimola Cognitive on a monthly basis.

Kimola Cognitive offers dynamic classification technology that can analyze product reviews without any training. Upload a spreadsheet and get review analysis instantly, generate summaries with AI and get PDF and excel exports. Start by uploading your own spreadsheet and try for free.

Start with Kimola Cognitive

Analyze open-ended survey responses.

Upload a spreadsheet or integrate with Google Sheets to analyze open-ended survey responses. Export responses from platforms such as Typeform, Hotjar, Jotform and simply drag and drop to classify them effortlessly.

Upload spreadsheet
Analyze open-ended survey responses
Analyze Behaviors Contextually

Analyze Behaviors Contextually.

Kimola Cognitive offers contextual classification with multi-labels that understands behaviors, needs, intents and classifies customer feedback automatically which does not require any training. By uploading spreadsheets in excel or csv formats, everyone can analyze customer feedback without any hassle.

Start analyzing

Generate Summary, SWOT Analysis, Insights and TOP Liked Features Lists

Generate an executive summary, SWOT analysis, and summaries of positive and negative reviews using the interpretation gallery while creating a customer feedback analysis report. As a token of appreciation, we're offering 5 free credits to get you started.

Start for free
Generate Summary, SWOT Analysis, Insights and TOP Liked Features Lists
Analyze user reviews with multi-label classification

Analyze user reviews with multi-label classification.

Understand customer experience on a deeper level by multi-label classification. Learn what is loved by your customers, understand what affects their experience with classification.

Learn more about multi-label classification

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Product managers can analyze product reviews on to discover what customers love, dislike, and desire in their products. On, product managers can analyze reviews from app store and play store with one click and purchase single reports starting from $12. If much more comprehensive report is needed, product managers can subscribe to Kimola Cognitive.

  • Multi-label classification allows the analysis of reviews by tagging them with multiple relevant labels simultaneously. This is particularly useful for product managers as it helps them understand customer sentiment towards different product features, enabling the creation of targeted roadmaps for product improvement. Kimola Cognitive offer multi-label classification on the Standard Plan.

  • Yes, product managers can conduct comprehensive competitor analyses by scraping product reviews from over 30+ channels using Kimola Cognitive. This feature allows the detailed comparison of their products against competitors’, providing insights into areas of improvement or differentiation.

  • Product teams can add team members to their Kimola account, facilitating easy sharing and viewing of reports. This collaborative feature ensures that all team members are aligned on customer feedback insights, enhancing team efficiency in addressing customer needs.Kimola doesn’t charge for extra seats and all of your team members are invited for collaboration.

  • Yes, product managers can purchase single reports on based on the review count that include detailed customer feedback analysis, sentiment analysis, and filters by popular topics. This allows for streamlined and quick research without the need for a monthly subscription, making it perfect for targeted analysis.

  • Kimola Cognitive simplifies the analysis of open-ended survey responses by allowing product managers to upload spreadsheets or integrate with Google Sheets. Responses extracted from platforms such as Typeform, Hotjar, or Jotform can be easily classified, providing direct insights into customer needs and feedback.

  • Contextual classification in Kimola Cognitive provides an enhanced understanding of customer behavior, needs, and intents by automatically classifying feedback into multi-labels without requiring any training. This deep level of analysis helps product managers in developing more customer-centric products and services.

  • With Kimola Cognitive, product managers can generate a variety of comprehensive reports, including executive summaries, SWOT analysis, and lists of top-liked features. Utilizing the interpretation gallery and AI technology, these reports transform raw customer feedback into actionable insights. As a token of appreciation, Kimola Cognitive offers 5 free credits to get started, enabling product managers to explore the tool's capabilities without initial cost.

  • Kimola Cognitive offers dynamic classification technology that enables an effortless review analysis process. Product managers can upload spreadsheets of product reviews and get instant analysis results, including AI-generated summaries. This technology provides deep insights into customer perceptions without any need for training.

  • By employing multi-label classification, product managers can gain a deeper understanding of the customer experience, learning not only what aspects of their products are loved but also what specifically affects the user experience. This knowledge fosters targeted improvements and innovations within product development, ensuring that new or updated products resonate more effectively with customers.