Social Listening Tool

Track conversations on e-commerce sites, social networks, forums, blogs, and news sites using a social listening tool.

Understand the buzz around your business.

Social Listening Tool

What is Social Listening?

Social listening is a fast and sustainable method to understand people's thoughts and feelings about a topic. This method is based on crawling digital platforms such as e-commerce sites, social networks, forums, blogs, and news sites and scraping textual data to analyze. Textual data in this method is referred to social media posts, product or business reviews, forum discussions and comments. All the collected data is analyzed using text analysis methods and classified using machine learning techniques. This way, raw data explaining what people think and how they feel about a topic will turn into a structured report.

Twitter Social Listening

Twitter is a free-speech platform for all internet users around the world. People share their opinions on various topics, from political issues to product experience. That is why it has become an appealing platform, especially for consumer researchers, market researchers, and brand strategists. Until today, Twitter conversations are used too many times to understand how people react to a political issue, sports event, product launch and even for a celebrity scandal. As a social media platform having more than 200 million users, any research to analyze Twitter conversations requires a Twitter social listening tool.

Twitter social listening means listening to Twitter conversations around specific keywords. All the conversations are stored and analyzed to extract information and insights. Since it's a free speech platform, Twitter conversations are mostly in an irregular text format in terms of grammar and typos. That is why Twitter social listening is only efficient with a Twitter social listening tool with robust text analysis and classification technologies.

Twitter Social Listening
E-commerce Social Listening

E-commerce Social Listening

E-commerce is now a USD 10 trillion industry; every 1 internet user out 3 uses e-commerce. While e-commerce is getting popular and popular, e-commerce websites have become major platforms where consumers express their experiences with the products or businesses. Reviews on e-commerce websites are now more powerful than ever for businesses since most of the reviews come from people who actually purchased the product. There for, reviews on e-commerce websites are like a focus group but much more rich in terms of content. Considering the data volume and variety, any research to analyze e-commerce reviews requires an e-commerce social listening tool.

E-commerce social listening means crawling and scraping e-commerce reviews of products or services. All the reviews are stored to classify the content and analyze the tone of emotions automatically. One of the most important things in e-commerce social listening is using a tool to handle long reviews. Because different from Twitter conversations which are limited to 350 characters, e-commerce reviews can have multiple paragraphs and topics. A tool with powerful text analysis technology should be used to handle e-commerce social listening.

Media Monitoring

News articles and forum discussions have a big influence on consumers when they choose or protest a product or business. Eventhough researchers or a strategists mostly focuses on consumer conversations like social media posts, comments and reviews, world wide or nation wide events also effects consumers. These events spreads from conventional or digital media sorcues via news articles and discussed on forums. There for tracking these platforms to scrape and analyze information is also a part of the job for researchers or a strategists. Considering the variety of the platforms, any research to analyze news articles and forum discussions requires a media monitoring tool.

Media monitoring is about tracking news articles on conventional and digital platforms by keywords. Specific to news articles, they need to be clustered based on the context to save time on cop-pasted news articles. On the other hand, forum discussions are mostly unique but shorter, happening under a discussion topic. Media monitoring should support both keyword tracking and link tracking to perform best on media coverage.

Media Monitoring

What is a Social Listening Tool?

A social listening tool is a software that crawls the web sources like e-commerce sites, social networks, forums, blogs, and news sites to scrape posts, reviews, articles and articles. Some web sources like social media platforms may provide an official API, and social listening tools integrates the technical infrastructures with these platforms to fetch social media posts. Other than social media platforms, social listening tools usually crawl the web like a search engine and look for comments, reviews and other related textual data to scrape. This is a continuous process for a social listening tool to regularly report the collected data volume or maybe even fire alerts based on the content.

The raw data and all the analysis are provided via a web user interface or a mobile application. Also, this data is mostly available via an API so that other applications can integrate with social listening tools. Social listening tools usually provide automated email reports, so users don't always have to log into a web or a mobile application. This is the most effective way to stay on top of social listening.

Sharpen Your Communication Strategy

Listening to consumer conversations help you to understand the needs and motivations of your target audience rather than asking questions on surveys or questionaries. Digital platforms such as e-commerce sites, social networks, forums, blogs, and news sites have consumer opinions that answer questions like "What made you choose this product?", "What is the thing you don't like about this product?". Social listening not only enables you to build a marketing strategy but also helps you to keep it up-to-date. See the trending terms in conversations to act fast on your communication strategy!

Sharpen Your Communication Strategy
Strengthen Your Brand Image

Strengthen Your Brand Image

Social listening is an opportunity to understand the brand image from the eye of your or your competitor's consumers. It gives the most accurate insights into a brand's weak and strong sides. This becomes leverage to adjust the communication strategy to strengthen the brand image.

Free Social Listening Tool

Kimola offers a robust Social Listening Platform to track conversations on e-commerce sites, social networks, forums, blogs, and news sites. It's designed for marketers, strategists and researchers.

Sign Up Sign Up

Create a free account on Kimola Analytics to start tracking conversations on the web.

Setup Setup

Setup your account by adding keywords or links to track the web and scrape conversations.

Listen Listen

Enjoy Kimola's beautifully designed dashboard to browse, filter and search in conversations.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Social Listening services have a user base varying between micro businesses to giant corporations. Businesses that buzz around their names may need to listen to what people say and act instantly to avoid social media crises. On the other hand, micro-businesses that do not have a buzz around listen to conversations related to their industry, competitors or product name. Individual users who sell products on e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Etsy also use social listening services to understand the weakness or strengths of other sellers and adjust their communication.

  • Kimola offers Kimola Analytics as a social media listening tool with a 7-day free trial. Most of the other social media platforms serve enterprises and do not have a free trial. Users need to book a call and talk to a salesperson to get an offer.

  • All the social listening platforms in the market have different offerings and features designed for different segments. So the definition of the best social listening tool changes from business to business. It's best to try all products in the market and compare features to find the best fit for your business.

  • Plans and packages of social listening services mostly base on keyword and conversation count. On the other hand, users must avoid hidden costs when choosing a social listening service. Kimola has a transparent policy on Social Listening, which is described and compared on the Pricing page of Kimola Analytics.