Kimola Newsletter | Cognitive 6#: G2 reviews, sssh AI is sleeping! 💤

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Scrape and Analyze G2 Reviews
The key to understand consumers is reviews.
Even though checking pricing, popular mentions, and alternatives list will give you a hint about the software, you can do more by digging the reviews: what features you need to improve, what people like/dislike about the software most, the most popular features of competing software, and much more.
But will you manually analyze thousands of consumer reviews? Of course not! All you have to do is follow these steps:
😎 Sign up for Kimola Cognitive, which lets you automatically analyze consumer reviews using machine learning technology.
👉 Capture consumer feedback with Airset, Kimola Cognitive's browser extension.
🥳 Categorize the G2 comments you capture with Airset in seconds with the "Saas Conversations Classifier", a pre-built machine learning model, by simply dragging and dropping.
✨ You can watch the YouTube video where we explain how to create a dataset from G2 comments using Airset, and how to classify and analyze SaaS reviews in less than 10 minutes.
About the Model and Training Set:
💎 Manually tested by our data analysts, the model has a 87% accuracy rate in English.
AI Learns to 'Sleep' Like Humans
Scientists have "taught" the AI to sleep, so it can be trained for two different tasks. Researchers from the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences solved a fundamental problem in most artificial intelligence systems by imitating the sleep process of living things in nature. Many AI systems can only succeed in one task. When they switch to a completely different task, the knowledge they gained from the first job is erased. In this respect, artificial intelligence differs from living things that can constantly learn and apply information. Scientists call this problem in artificial systems "destructive forgetting." But by enabling AI to mimic biological sleep, researchers will eventually be able to get the AI to remember how to perform the first task.
AI is used for decarbonization.
A report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows that burning fossil fuels has caused CO2 levels to rise to the highest level in 3 million years. This means that for oil and gas companies to improve sustainability, they must find ways to reduce their carbon footprint and strive to develop greener practices. For this reason, many oil and gas companies are adopting short-term climate targets to reduce greenhouse gas intensity by 15-20% for their upstream operations. The good news is that advances in artificial intelligence have also entered the industry sector. Companies are leveraging artificial intelligence technology to analyze large volumes of data to develop various solutions to reduce carbon emissions and increase overall global productivity and sustainability.
Treatment for Baldness AI
Baldness, which many people suffer from around the world, does not affect the physical health of individuals, but it can be emotionally exhausting. Although experts are trying to treat baldness with various methods, there is no real treatment yet to reverse the process. But now researchers are using artificial intelligence (AI) to predict compounds that could neutralize the reactive oxygen species in the scalp that cause baldness. They selected the best candidate and constructed a proof-of-concept microneedle patch to show that it can effectively regenerate hair on mice. The study was recently published in ACS’ Nano Letters.
AI Takes Over Creative Writing
Yapay zekanın sanat dünyasında yarattığı tartışmalar henüz sona ermemişken Google, yaratıcı yazarların yeni hikayeler oluşturmasına yardımcı olabilecek bir prototip yazma aracı olan Wordcraft'ı tanıttı. Elbette, yapay zeka destekli yazma araçları yeni değil. Muhtemelen Grammarly veya Jasper gibi metin yazarlığı araçlarını biliyorsunuzdur. Wordcraft'ı biraz farklı kılan şey, kurgusal eser yaratmaya yardımcı olacak bir araç olarak çerçevelenmiş olması. Google’ın yapay zekası LaMDA’dan güç alan Wordcraft’a bir ya da birkaç cümle ile nasıl bir hikaye yaratmak istediğinizi söylüyorsunuz ve yapay zeka sizin için o hikayeyi oluşturuyor. Ayrıca bunu hikayede tıkandığınız noktada da kullanarak yapay zekanın yarım kalan hikayeyi tamamlamasını isteyebilirsiniz.