Kimola Newsletter | Cognitive 7#: Analyzing yummy texts 🍱

Dec 02, 2022 - 4 min read
Kimola Newsletter | Cognitive 7#: Analyzing yummy texts 🍱

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Get & Analyze Food Reviews

Food Conversations Classifier

Fast-moving consumer goods have shown significant development in recent years and have become one of the most important branches of activity worldwide. When we look at the development and change process of FMCG, it is seen that many variables constitute the essential elements of this development trend. But the consumer experience is one of the keys to success for the FMCG industry. Although the manufactured product has passed good laboratory tests or has been tested by experts, the consumer's thoughts after trying the product are very important. For this reason, it is inevitable to analyze consumer comments.

💁 That's exactly why this model has been designed so that brands can analyze consumer comments on FMCG food products in seconds.

About the Model and Training Set:

🚀 In this model, consumer comments on different food products on e-commerce sites such as Walmart and Amazon; it has been categorized with 6 labels: price, taste, quality, ease of use, size and package.

🎉 Manually tested by our data analysts, the model has a 90% accuracy rate in English.
This Week in Kimola Newsletter

Stable Diffusion 2.0 is here!

The release of AI technologies such as DALL-E 2, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion presents an incredible opportunity to create visuals by writing. Of course, as with every new technology, the development of these technologies is quite rapid. While the release of these technologies, especially as open source, contributed greatly to this development, the new version of Stable Diffusion is already available. The new version of artificial intelligence, known as Stable Diffusion 2.0, seems to take the ability to create images from text to a whole new dimension. This new version will be able to create high-resolution images and enhance low-resolution images.

AI Sees Beyond the Brain

Scientists from Singapore, Hong Kong and Stanford Universities have developed an artificial intelligence with enormous use potential. This artificial intelligence analyzes the signals produced in your brain when you see something and reproduces what you see. That is, it paints the image you create in your brain by thinking. Although artificial intelligence has not achieved great success yet, even the first version of artificial intelligence has achieved a success rate of 66% in semantic mapping and 41% in image processing quality. But the most important output of this artificial intelligence is that it shows that even pure data from the brain can be used to reconstruct a picture we see without any intervention. It became possible for the first time in history.

iCAD Adopts Google's AI for Chest Imaging

The technology company Google, which plays an essential role in almost every aspect of life, has now set its sights on health technologies. The company forges breakthrough partnerships and technologies, demonstrating its commitment to making a difference in the healthcare industry. Nowadays, adding a new one to these collaborations, the company has signed with the medical technology company iCAD. With this agreement, the research model of artificial intelligence, which will make breast cancer detection and risk assessment much easier and increase its accuracy, has been licensed to iCAD.


7/10 Employees Delegating Tasks to AI

A study conducted in the USA by The Harris Poll on behalf of Macami AI reveals that 72% of employees want to delegate tasks such as invoice management, auditing and simple reporting to artificial intelligence. Employees think that this way, they can focus on more strategic tasks. Also, another study by Deloitte reveals that Generation Z will soon make up more than a third of the world's population. This means that the effects of Generation Z will be visibly felt in business, technology, politics and culture. At the same time, Generation Z believes that artificial intelligence will help them with their work, allowing them to devote more time to their personal lives. This shows the importance of work/life balance for this group. Employers need to consider incorporating AI into their business processes, not only for the enormous cost savings possible by automating large-scale business processes but also for attracting and retaining these employees.

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