How to Read Interests Data in a Consumer Research

Apr 16, 2019 - 3 min read
How to Read Interests Data in a Consumer Research
Interest /ˈɪnt(ə)rɪst/

The feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly engaged by something.

We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in & be what people are interested in. - Craig Davis, Chief Creative Officer, JWT

Understanding Interests Data

We as humans, make connections with our interests. Look around you and you will see that you have at least one common thing with your friends. It might be music, it might be technology or any other interest of yours. Interests make us connect. Interests make us stay together. It works the same with brands and consumers. But how is it possible to understand and follow your consumer’s interests so quickly and “be what people are interested in”? That is exactly what we are doing. We make brands understand their consumer’s interests with the support of our AI. 

Our social media profiles give so much hints about our interests. Who we follow, what we share, what we talk about and the accounts we interact show our Interests. Kimola’s AI finds those hints, reads between the lines, and categorizes thousands of consumers every day with their Interests anonymously.

How To Read Interests Data?

At Kimola, we define interests in 3 different sections. Let's take a look at them; 

The Main Interests of Consumers

The top 3 interests of your consumers give you the main feeling, the main subject of your campaign, and what should be in it. Let’s assume that your consumers are highly interested in Civil Society/Animal Rights, Humor, and Technology. Maybe it’s time for a social responsibility campaign that people will experience with VR and will be good for Animals. Now you just need a message, written with a little sense of Humor. 

The Concentric Interests

When some interests appear together, you must read them together to understand your community. Imagine that one friend of yours is interested in Science, Technology, and Arts for so many years: Wouldn’t you call her “Intellectual”? 

Small Interests

Small interests are the ones that you should keep an eye on because sometimes, interests may change seasonally and those are the ones who have the chance to increase in the first place. For example, if your target group is “Parents”, their traveling interest might increase in the holiday season.

Frequently Asked Questions about Consumer Interests

- How does Kimola’s AI understand the interests of people?

Our data team at Kimola has worked with sociologists to understand the interests of consumers. First, they formulated the behaviors of consumers in 33 main interests such as “Sports”. Then, they divided those interests such as Sports > Basketball, Football, Cricket (all kinds of sports that you can imagine) Afterwards, they taught it our AI to understand the formula of “How sports-lovers behave on social media?”

- Can I use 1-month Interest data to find out even the best music genre to use in our TV Commercial?

No. 1 month data would not be enough for big decisions. We recommend 3-6 months of Interest data of consumers to decide that kind of stuff. This is real-time data but sometimes you need to see a bigger picture. Luckily, our AI gives 6 months of back-data of Interest for every consumer group.

- How can I see the interests of Kimola?

Let’s make a call! You can always reach us via Contact Sales Page or you can book a call via Calendly.

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