Announcing Diversity Avatars at Kimola - Story of a User Feedback

Author: Mustafa Savaş - CEO, Kimola
Mustafa Savaş CEO, Kimola
Jul 21, 2022 - 3 min read
Announcing Diversity Avatars at Kimola - Story of a User Feedback

My passion for linguistics and developing software products made me start Kimola in 2014. Along the way, I met brilliant people who have similar passions to join me, and we all became part of a beautiful journey.

We're celebrating Kimola's 8th year as a data analytics company focused on consumer insights this year. During this time period, we had enterprise-level clients like Pfizer, Sanofi, Royal Canin, JTI and many more to use our products. For the last couple of years, individual professionals have also shown interest in Kimola's products. We were impressed by their passion and vision and wanted to learn more about their needs and motivations on research & consumer insights.

Research for Everyone

Recently, we announced our company mission asResearch For Everyone. We wanted to be that company which enables people to access technologies like machine learning even for consumer insights, research and text analytics. Now it was time to act on it.

The Appsumo Effect

On Monday 18th of July, we launched our global campaign for Kimola Cognitive, our No-Code Machine Learning Platform. We also launched an Appsumo campaign that offers a lifetime deal of Kimola Cognitive for a limited time. We thought Appsumo would be the most effective channel to get the feedback of individuals. 

Kimola Cognitive

Act like your motto

Creating a product is one thing, but managing a global-to-be company is another. We have received over a hundred feedback in 3 days from all over the world via live chat, Appsumos, e-mails and our social media accounts. Some were bugs we had never encountered while testing, and some were great ideas.But there was one piece of feedback from a new user of Kimola Cognitive, Quentin Harris, that showed us that we had to think as a global company now as we had users from 50+ countries. 

customer feedback

It was about 11:00 pm in the office, and we were discussing howwe had never thought about diversity while designing our products, as our mission was to Enable Research for Everyone.

In the morning, we decided to act fast and found Netguru’s Dribble post of Diversity Avatars. We downloaded the avatars and started working on them to add to our website.

diversity avatars

While using Kimola’s products, we want everyone to feel seen and accepted by all communities. I’m truly sorry if we have ever made someone feel against that policy before.Today, I’m happy to tell you that we have added 59+ avatars to our avatar set to be used in Kimola’s products and you can choose a new avatar from Kimola’s account page.

diversity avatars

I know that we’re just starting yet, and we have a long way to go, so please feel free to drop your feedback to us. We are always here to listen.

Mustafa, Founder of Kimola

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