Solo Global Inc: Mixed Reviews on Loan Processing and Funding Delays
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Solo Global Inc: Mixed Reviews on Loan Processing and Funding Delays

Mixed reviews highlight issues with loan processing, responsiveness, and funding delays at Solo Global Inc. Some customers praise the ease of use and assistance received, while others express frustration with incomplete applications and lack of support. Concerns about missed opportunities for PPP loans and varying funding experiences are prevalent.

Best for
  • Financial Analysts
  • Customer Service Managers
  • Risk Management Professionals
  • Business Development Executives
  • Loan Officers

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Custom Date - Jul 27, 2024
Featured Content
  • I’ve had a horrible experience from my…

    I’ve had a horrible experience from my lender “benworth” and Womply. It has been over 20 days since I’ve been funded yet i have not received my funds. Emailed Womply and benworth. Customer service is horrible. Please fund me. Where is my funds. Yet both Womply and benworth sent me an email congratulating me on my loan.... where is my money

    • Negative
    • Loan Funding Delays
    Sep 06, 2022
  • Don't believe any of these FAKE reviews…

    Don't believe any of these FAKE reviews about how awesome Womply is!! Take notice of the word INVITED with a little check mark next to their rating for Womply. The people leaving these rave reviews are most likely either employees or fake accounts Womply setup for just this reason. They were INVITED by WOMPLY to come leave a review on this site for damage control purposes, because, otherwise, their reputation is garbage! Womply 100% dropped the ball in the way that they handled the processing of the second round of PPP Loans, which was a total disaster, to say the very least. But don't take my word for it...Do a Google search for 'Womply PPP Loans Reddit,' and then read some of the comments on Reddit. Or, even better yet, read the reviews left for Womply right here on Trustpilot, left by people that weren't "INVITED" to leave a review for them! Small business owners like myself were desperate, angry, and at our ropes end, because Womply offered us NO customer support AT ALL. There was no way to reach Womply via email (you just got a bot reply saying that they cannot and will not help you), over the phone, nor via live chat, to get help with our PPP Loans!! THEIR WAS NO WAY TO REACH WOMPLY, and that was/is very unprofessional and absolutely unacceptable. Believe me, and all of these negative reviews, WOMPLY SUCKS!!!!

    • Negative
    • Mixed Experience with Loan Approval
    May 24, 2022
  • It was easy, fast, and secure

    The whole loan procces was easy,, fast, and secure. Thanks for helping us to relieve the COVID-19 damage..

    • Positive
    • Satisfaction with Services Provided
    Jan 21, 2022
  • Terrible never was able to speak to…

    Terrible never was able to speak to anyone and got caught in a final stage waiting for bank verification from their end. Spent months trying to be reverified and finally my login decided to claim I decided to withdraw my request to borrow!!! Go figure. I guess the CEO took out monies since they got them from the government but never gave them to the people

    • Negative
    • Customer Service Experience
    Jan 17, 2022
  • This really help me out in this time of…

    This really help me out in this time of hardship with financial responsibility.Not only did womply help me with financial resources they also forgave my loan in this time of hardship and would recommend womply to anyone who truly needs the help.

    • Positive
    • Satisfaction with Services Provided
    Jan 11, 2022
  • Last Resort

    A terrible and anxiety filled experience from the start. The lack of responsiveness and failure to recognize or acknowledge their own internal issues which caused slowdowns and ultimately kept me from being eligible for a second PPP draw are shameful

    • Negative
    • Customer Service Experience
    Jan 10, 2022
  • See All Reviews
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  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for Solo Global Inc  based on online reviews collected from Trustpilot. The analysis helps Financial Analysts, Customer Service Managers, Risk Management Professionals, Business Development Executives, Loan Officers to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

  • This report contains qualitative analysis with Net Promoter Score, Sentiment Analysis, content classification, most popular phrases, languages and a trend graph to display how the context changes over time. After purchasing the report, you can search in customer feedback and filter results based on classification labels and popular phrases. Also, the analysis is available in PDF format, and all the reviews are available in Excel.

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