Kopi Se-Indonesia - Pakuwon Trade Center Surabaya: Mixed Reviews on Food Quality and Ambiance
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Kopi Se-Indonesia - Pakuwon Trade Center Surabaya: Mixed Reviews on Food Quality and Ambiance

The Terrace, Pakuwon TC Mall, Jl. Raya Lontar No.2 17-18, Babatan, Kec. Wiyung, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60216, Indonesia

Kopi Se-Indonesia at Pakuwon Trade Center Surabaya offers a comfortable and modern cafe setting with a great ambiance. While the decor and vibe are praised, some customers find the food overpriced for its quality. The coffee receives positive feedback, but there are mixed reviews about the snacks and meals. Service speed and food freshness are areas that need improvement. Overall, it's a suitable place for work or casual meetings, with potential for enhancing the menu variety and ensuring prompt service.

Best for
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Cafe Owner
  • Hospitality Consultant
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Food and Beverage Analyst

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Featured Content
  • Teh lecinya menyegarkan, enak buat kelas disain phiebhatique

    • Positive
    • Food Quality and Presentation
  • Pertama kali kesini, awalnya pgn coba snacks tapi pas baca review kok org2 pada bilang kurang... akhirnya pesen pasta, rasanya b aja nothing special. Lupa nama minuman yg dipesen yg jelas ada milk2nya gitu, berasa minum susu murni segar Pdhl harganya juga more on the expensive side. Kalo vibe dan tempatnya sih ok2 aja ya

    • None
    • Food Quality and Presentation
  • Nice place to work from cafe and hangout / meeting. Kopi nya ya gt deh, makanan khas harga cafe banget. Di lantai 2 enak ada bilik area kerja ala wartel buat yg sendirian / ber2 doang. Ada semacam VIP room jg kalo mau ribut dengan gerombolan anda jd ga ganggu tamu yg lain. Ada outdoor nya jg buat yg gampang kedinginan. Akses masuk nya dari luar / dari lorong belakang red dog.

    • Positive
    • Ambience and Atmosphere
  • 1 extra-star for the service. Order 3 menu: cireng, risol goreng & kopi klepon.1. Cireng - bagian tengah masih berupa adonan, belum matang (literally rasa adonan tepung + air), unfortunately gak sempat foto, karena langsung balikin ke staf. Akhirnya staf say sorry dan diganti dgn cireng yg matang seutuhnya. Appreciate the prompt action (this is for the 1 extra-star)2. Risol goreng (lebih mirip lumpia seh) - isi mihun (su'un) sama wortel sejumput. Isiannya bau udah gak fresh (maybe menuju busuk).3. Kopi klepon - ok, the only one that consumable.(Foto terakhir ke-4 sisa yg gak dimakan)Final verdict: not worth the price, won't come back here anymore.

    • Negative
    • Customer Experience
  • Ordered risol goreng (which actually is lumpia goreng btw). These were filled with vermicelli and some slivers of carrots.For a snack priced at 28k before service and tax, I find this rather disappointing. Moreover, the fillings didn't smell fresh (either it was already gone bad or almost there), plus they were super greasy.Other than that, I also ordered cireng. They looked cooked from the outside, but the insides were still definitely raw (can taste the flour and it was WHITE). Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures.I gave the food back to the staff & politely asked them to check and refry it... it took them quite a while to get back to me.In hindsight, I should've checked the reviews first.Decor and ambience were definitely superb.Unfortunately the foods were lacking. And the drinks were just okay at best (ordered kopi klepon).I can't give it more than one star because to me, foods (and drinks) is the most important aspect of a cafe / restaurant / this kind of establishment.What a shame.

    • Negative
    • Food Quality and Presentation
  • Tempat ok sihh sukaberlangganan disini juga.. makanan enak terutama nasi cumi sm nasgornya enak juga cuma mau saran aja untuk yang outdoor saya sering liat orang yg minuman / makanannya sudah habis tapi mreka msih tetap duduk2 disitu sampai berjam2 ini menurut sy merugikan omset sih… padahal masih banyak yg mau nongkrong disitu, kmren sy ada pengalaman wktu mau nongkrong disitu sy udah tunggu 1jam lebih dan sy liat orang tidak pindah2 pdhal minuman udah pada habis loh malah ada yg duduk sendiri tapi itu sm teman dr meja sebelah yg duduk sendiri tidak minum apa2 sangat merugikan sih gada empati dengan org yg mau nongkrong disitu

    • None
    • Customer Experience
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43 Net Promoter
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  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for Kopi Se-Indonesia - Pakuwon Trade Center Surabaya based on online reviews collected from Google Business. The analysis helps Restaurant Manager, Cafe Owner, Hospitality Consultant, Marketing Specialist, Food and Beverage Analyst to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

  • This report contains qualitative analysis with Net Promoter Score, Sentiment Analysis, content classification, most popular phrases, languages and a trend graph to display how the context changes over time. After purchasing the report, you can search in customer feedback and filter results based on classification labels and popular phrases. Also, the analysis is available in PDF format, and all the reviews are available in Excel.

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