Workbook for Healing Trauma: A Guide to Recovery and Inner Peace
Heal Trauma with Insights from Our Latest Feedback Analysis

Workbook for Healing Trauma: A Guide to Recovery and Inner Peace

This workbook is a valuable resource for understanding and healing from trauma. It provides deep insights and practical exercises to help readers work through their past and find healing. The book emphasizes the importance of addressing mental health and offers a holistic approach to recovery. With clear chapter summaries and engaging exercises, it guides readers towards achieving inner peace and purpose. The workbook complements the book “The Body Keeps The Score” and is highly recommended for anyone dealing with trauma.

Best for
  • Psychologists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychiatrists

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Custom Date - Apr 30, 2024
Featured Content
  • Exceptional

    I've been a fan of the book the body keeps the score. I found that the title was interesting and the content even more intriguing. Going through a traumatic event can be traumatic. At times we view veterans as the ones with trauma and we forget the victims of abuse. In fact in my country and I'm sure many other countries the victims are blamed. I believe this book can be your first step process of recovery. Highly recommend.

    • Positive
    • Workbook for Healing Trauma
    Nov 30, 2022
  • Wonderful!

    A detailed guide to recovering from trauma and embracing healing with open hands. It offers a holistic approach to dealing with trauma in oneself and our loved ones. The most staggering feature of the book is how well-designed it is. Each chapter ends with its own summary, ensuring the reader gets the gist of all the methodologies. The exercises ensure that the reader stays engaged and succeeds in grasping the knowledge. The practicality is on the point and delivers what it promises. It is not a one-time read but requires multiple attempts to assimilate all the lessons. It is an antidote to trauma and can do wonders for those who wish to recover from their traumatic past or incidents.

    • Positive
    • Holistic Approach to Trauma Recovery
    Nov 27, 2022
  • Much Appreciated Guide

    I've been the rock for many to lean on since the past, so there has been a fair amount of touchy subjects. I'm by far not a doctor or therapist, so all I can do is give advice and be there for them. This book has a lot of good approaches that aren't centered around medication or something you'd need a degree for. This will definitely help the next time someone comes around in need of advice. I'm glad there's a book out here that can help people through it, because trauma is a scary topic for the one who went through it and the others who are trying not to trigger them.

    • Positive
    • Practical Strategies for Healing
    Nov 26, 2022
  • Trauma still does not get the recognition of more visible physical ailments.

    The body keeps the score without you ever suspecting it! It does no good to tuck the sadness and difficulties of trauma deep down inside. The body knows what you’ve been through and stores that information down deep inside. Until one day trauma manifests itself as aches and pains, possible immune system disorders, etc. So, when visiting the Doctor, they only see the physical instead of all the psychological problems and treat those physical issues. this leaves you with the same problem. Doctors are still not well-versed in PTSD or trauma.This book contains some groundbreaking information supported with scientific evidence. It is designed to guide you in your personal journey and effective management of past trauma.

    • Positive
    • Understanding the Impact of Trauma
    Nov 25, 2022
  • Enlightening

    I am particularly surprised by this novel. It helped me to understand common misconceptions about where trauma stems from. In today’s world, most people have gone through some form of trauma; however, it’s never been addressed therefore they are finding answers from social media platforms. This novel has helped me understand most of what is shown on social media regarding trauma is mostly false. I recommend!

    • Positive
    • Misconceptions about Trauma
    Nov 23, 2022
  • A Great Workbook

    This is an amazing workbook that discusses and acknowledges that trauma isn’t just something one can go through physically it is something that is complex and everyone may differ in their own journey of healing. This workbook is structured in a way that goes over key insights of each chapter, goals you wish to achieve, and your plan of action. With open charts to fill in and think over at your own pace and time. This is a guide that allows one to look back and work through their own trauma so that one can better understand and manage it.

    • Positive
    • Workbook for Healing Trauma
    Nov 22, 2022
  • See All Reviews
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  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for Workbook: The Body Keeps The Score: Brain,... by Reads, Robin based on online reviews collected from Amazon. The analysis helps Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Counselors, Social Workers, Psychiatrists to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

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