Pet Assure Customer Reviews Analysis
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Pet Assure Customer Reviews Analysis

Mixed customer reviews for Pet Assure, highlighting savings on pet bills, confusion over usage, difficulties in canceling, and varying acceptance at vet clinics. Some users praise the affordability and ease of use, while others express frustration with billing, lack of coverage clarity, and perceived limitations in discounts.

Best for
  • Veterinary Practice Managers
  • Pet Insurance Professionals
  • Customer Experience Strategists
  • Market Research Analysts
  • Pet Care Startup Founders

Starting from $18, you can purchase the complete report, offering advanced filters, buyer personas, and SWOT analysis, with Excel and PDF export options.

Purchased users
18 users purchased a report
in the last 24 hours.
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Here, you can see the limited preview of this report for only 40 reviews.

Custom Date - Jul 27, 2024
Featured Content
  • I’ve been a member for years

    I’ve been a member for years. It’s so easy to use their benefits, their clearing listed. I always rave about their service to anyone who asks about pet insurance

    • Positive
    • Ease of Use
    Dec 30, 2020
  • Pays for itself!

    Pays for itself after 1st yearly check up for my 3 cats. Has saved me a fortune over the years. Now includes a pet tag to scan for owner info! Great!

    • Positive
    • Cost Savings
    Dec 30, 2020
  • Wonderful money saver!

    I have four pets and petassure has saved me a great deal of money. I have recommended Petassure to all the pet owners that I know.

    • Positive
    • Cost Savings
    Dec 30, 2020
  • Reasonable insurance coverage

    My vet offered this insurance and we always get a discount when we check out at the vet. Every little bit helps especially since we have two dogs.

    • Positive
    • Cost Savings
    Dec 30, 2020
  • A $20 discount on a $400 bill does not…

    A $20 discount on a $400 bill does not help, so its basically pointless.

    • Negative
    • Discount Effectiveness
    Dec 18, 2020
  • I dont have pet assure

    I dont have pet assure. Im just confused on how this works. Im planning on getting pet insurance for my new bloodhound.

    • Positive
    • Confusion with Services
    Jun 30, 2020
  • See All Reviews
Sentiment Analysis (of 30 reviews)
42 Net Promoter
Popular Topics (of 30 reviews)
Languages (of 30 reviews)
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18 users purchased a report in the last 24 hours.
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Frequently Asked Questions
  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for Pet Assure  based on online reviews collected from Trustpilot. The analysis helps Veterinary Practice Managers, Pet Insurance Professionals, Customer Experience Strategists, Market Research Analysts, Pet Care Startup Founders to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

  • This report contains qualitative analysis with Net Promoter Score, Sentiment Analysis, content classification, most popular phrases, languages and a trend graph to display how the context changes over time. After purchasing the report, you can search in customer feedback and filter results based on classification labels and popular phrases. Also, the analysis is available in PDF format, and all the reviews are available in Excel.

  • Yes, this page is publicly available for everyone on the internet to see. You can copy and share this link with a friend, college or on social media.

  • Yes, you can, and this is the fun part about Kimola! Kimola turns customer feedback into market research by analyzing online reviews from various sources.

  • Yes, you can have this research report analyzed with more reviews. The page you are viewing displays a limited preview with the analysis of 40 recent reviews. Starting from $18, you can buy the complete version of this research report containing all reviews. Click here to see the purchase options.

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