Review of Autel Home Smart Electric Vehicle Charger with App Connectivity
Autel MaxiCharger EV Charger: In-Depth Customer Insights

Review of Autel Home Smart Electric Vehicle Charger with App Connectivity

The Autel Home Smart Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger is a Level 2 charger that connects to an app, has a 50Amp charging capacity, and is Energy Star and CSA certified. It has smart features and charges effectively, making it a great option for those with electric vehicles. Reviews note some issues with Bluetooth connection and packaging damage, but overall recommend it for being simple to use, user-friendly, and a good price compared to other products.

Best for
  • Electric Vehicle Manufacturers
  • Automotive Retailers
  • EV Charging Installation Services
  • Sustainability Consultants
  • Product Designers

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Custom Date - Apr 26, 2024
Featured Content
  • Works perfectly!

    Easily installed. App connected and off and running…. On electric!

    • Positive
    • Ease of Use
    May 09, 2023
  • High quality, feature-rich EV charger

    We got this charger to replace a temporary, no-frills model we had been using. I wanted something with a little more control and features like online monitoring.
    The charger comes very well packed and the instructions are among the clearest and best I have seen. I was a little disappointed when I plugged it in for the first time. I was expecting some sort of display on the big shiny surface, but it turns out to be just a shiny black plate of plastic, with some green LEDs. The other mild disappointment was the very short cable they gave the NEMA plug. Because it is so short, you are very limited in where you can place the charger relative to your 240V outlet. You can essentially only put it immediately left or right of it, if you don't have space there, you will need to relocate the outlet. The charging cable itself is nice and long and we can reach both our cars without a problem from the wall mount inside the garage.Setup and connection to the wifi was super easy and the connection seems very stable. The smartphone app is also very intuitive and easy to set up and use. I particularly like how you can check your charging history and, if you program in your local electricity rates, you can even get a detailed cost analysis. You can even register your charger for public charging and make some money if you don't mind strangers pulling into your driveway.
    All in all, a very well-made charger with lots of functions. Well worth the money

    • Positive
    • Compatibility
    May 06, 2023
  • Advanced quality charger

    The installation is easy and the directions are very helpful. The cord is long and gives you 25 feet. The smart features WiFi and the app is very good. I would recommend this charger for the quality and the reliability

    • Positive
    • App Features
    May 01, 2023
  • Very powerful and (dare I saw?) beautifully made EV charging station.

    I know nothing...well, NEXT to nothing about EV's. I know they are the wave of the future and agree with that, but in the meantime I am just beginning to climb the learning curve. One this that is a concern to me about EVs here in rural Maine, is the availability of charging stations (getting better), but I am a distance from any village or town so a home charging station is mandatory. I wanted to review this Autel Maxicharger especially because of its power and rate of charge.

    This level 2 EV charger is up to 9 tmes faster than Level 1 and at 38 miles per hour of charge certainly more than adequate for the average home garage or mine, when my EV finally arrives.

    Connectivity by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Ethernet enable immediate OTA firmware updates and management via app if needed. Optional RFID card can prevent unauthorized use if you had to mount this outside but for me, inside the garage is the only option.

    Long, 25-foot cable and three year warranty are excellent features and reports are that 24/7 customer service from Autel is first class.

    This is a very high quality, professional grade, but rather pricey charger but the features and power (speed) of charging make it well worth the price.

    • Positive
    • Charging Speed
    Apr 30, 2023
  • Autel Home charger

    Excellent choice easy to connect to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Easy to operate via app. Great choice!

    • Positive
    • App Features
    Apr 12, 2023
  • Great charger.

    I had an electrician come and hook this up in my garage and it didn’t take him that long setup didn’t seem too shabby. The aesthetics of this charger are super sleek and nice. The share features of this charger are cool I would highly recommend it

    • Positive
    • Build Quality
    Apr 12, 2023
  • See All Reviews
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