Product Update #1: New Filtering Options and more!

As a data analytics company founded in 2014, we have developed many SaaS products focused on consumer research. We have given up on some of them and we have some winners that made us become a stable, B2B focused, SaaS oriented product company. Developing a product is a never-ending process and we love the process. We always dreamed of delivering these product update posts and mailings; and now we have the time to do so. Thank you all Kimolanions for making this tiny dream of ours come true.
So here is our first product update!
Attaching an Excel File to Your Automated Reports
Once a dream, now reality!
Just click “Attach File” box while you are creating an automated e-mail! After you schedule your report, excel file will be attached to your automated report.
Filtering Conversations with Multiple Keywords
We know, you needed this.
Now you can filter your conversations by choosing multiple keywords on Filters option that appears on the right frame of your conversations dashboard. Find and click on “Export as” button (right above the conversations!) to download the filtered keyword’s
conversations in Excel.
See you on the next update!
Team Kimola