Indian Creek Campground: Quiet and Secluded Camping in Yellowstone
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Indian Creek Campground: Quiet and Secluded Camping in Yellowstone

Norris-Mammoth Road, Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190

Indian Creek Campground in Yellowstone National Park has sites available on a first-come, first-served basis. The sites are basic with no hook-ups, but the natural surroundings make up for it. The sites are bear-proof and there are rangers on site. Some visitors had complaints about pit toilets and creaky bathroom doors, but overall Indian Creek is a great campground for those looking for a quieter, more secluded camping experience.

Best for
  • Campground Manager
  • Travel and Tourism Marketer
  • National Park Service Staff
  • Outdoor Recreation Planner
  • Hospitality Consultant

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Custom Date - Apr 30, 2024
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  • Way too crowded and noisy

    We just barely snagged a spot the first night that we got to the park, and it was a Monday! The place was packed, and my husband and I barely got a wink of sleep. The pottys have metal doors, and every time someone had to go to the bathroom they made this big creak sound and woke us up. The hosts were really nice, but just way too many people. I would recommend camping outside of the park at Madison Arm instead.

    • Negative
    • Noise Levels and Privacy
    Aug 01, 2016
  • If You Can, Find Another Spot

    I was fortunate enough to arrive at Indian Creek in time to be the very last person to get a campsite. I mean, the last space in the whole park. If you're lucky and get there very, very early or just move sites, I'd suggest a different campsite. The views aren't great. In fact, there is no view. Just trees. It's not bad, it's convenient and safe and has bathrooms and potable water. There are so many other great campgrounds though, so try your best to arrive as early as possible.

    • None
    • Camping Logistics and Tips
    Jul 01, 2015
  • Easy Choice between here and Mammoth

    If you are trying to decide where to camp on the north side of Yellowstone, don't even think about Mammoth. Indian Creek is tons better as it's wooded and secluded as a campground should be. Mammoth is really for RVs and nt for tent camping. It's a beautiful drive down the hill to mammoth if you want to eat at a restaurant. Other than that, it's a no-brainer. Stay at Indian Creek.

    • Positive
    • Campground Location and Surroundings
    Aug 01, 2014
  • Much better than Lewis Lakes

    We stayed here one night after staying three nights at Lewis Lakes, and were relieved to find a very nice, well managed campground. Our campsite was private, surrounded by trees, and moderately sized. You could walk through the trees a ways behind the campsite and explore. We heard coyotes howling that night. Wish we could have stayed a bit longer.

    • Positive
    • Wildlife and Nature Experience
    Jun 01, 2013
  • Beautiful camping

    We stayed three nights in campground- we heard wolves or coyotes in the night, amazing view of stars, quiet- no loud rvs and close to beautiful creek. Really a special place.

    • Positive
    • Wildlife and Nature Experience
    Jul 01, 2011
  • Yellowstone's Best-Kept Secret

    This small campground is, in my opinion, Yellowstone's best-kept secret. Rarely full, this small camground is not run by the big concessionaire, Xterra, that runs all the big campgrounds in the park. This campground is in a great location, near lots of hiking. The campground even has hiking trails in and around it that go back fifty or sixty years. Views of the mountains in many sites. Vault toilets, water in spigots, no frills, but a great, great experience.

    • Positive
    • Campground Location and Surroundings
    Jun 01, 2006
  • See All Reviews
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