Creative Career Coaching: Practical Advice and Creative Approaches for Career Guidance Practitioners
Transform Your Career Guidance with Creative Coaching Insights

Creative Career Coaching: Practical Advice and Creative Approaches for Career Guidance Practitioners

An accessible and innovative book packed with practical advice and creative approaches for career guidance practitioners. Highly recommended for anyone in the field.

Best for
  • Career Counselors
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Life Coaches
  • Career Coaches
  • Educational Advisors

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Custom Date - Jul 27, 2024
Featured Content
  • So many useful strategies to use with clients with examples to enhance understanding.

    • Positive
    • Practical Tools and Exercises
    Dec 05, 2022
  • As a recently qualified career guidance practitioner, this book was used constantly throughout my studies and continues to be within arms reach for reminders, ideas and motivation.

    Brilliantly written in clear, plain language and engaging to read.

    My favourite of all the main, popular career guidance texts and my first recommendation to other practitioners who don’t own a copy.

    • Positive
    • Career Guidance Theory
    Nov 23, 2021
  • Fantastic practical and creative approaches on how to work with clients to explore options and make career decisions.

    • Positive
    • Creative Career Coaching
    May 21, 2021
  • How refeshing to find a book that offers innovation and creativity, whilst at the same time being eminently "hands-on" and practical.

    • Positive
    • Innovative and Creative Approaches
    Mar 01, 2020
  • Liane was my tutor at the Postgraduate Diploma in Career Guidance at the Coventry University in the UK. From the very first day of her practical workshops I knew I couldn't have asked for a better tutor and a career guide at the same time! Two years after, I had a pleasure to read her book 'Creative Career Coach', and I immediately recognized this energising voice, adding confidence by explaining most confusing couloirs of coaching for those who are new to the profession but also those who are in need of rejuvenating their inner coach and never forgetting to be curious, observant, intuitive and listening with all your senses. I recommend highly this book to anyone who is knew to coaching, aspiring to do research around careers as there are great literature references, as well to those who wish to refresh their coaching practices with help of a master in her profession. Great work!

    • Positive
    • Creative Career Coaching
    May 05, 2019
  • An extremely accessible book packed with helpful advice covering all areas of career guidance interventions. I found the activities dotted throughout particularly useful. I highly recommend it!

    • Positive
    • Practical Tools and Exercises
    Mar 27, 2019
  • See All Reviews
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  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for Creative Career Coaching: Theory into Practice - Kindle edition by Hambly, Liane, Bomford, Ciara. based on online reviews collected from Amazon. The analysis helps Career Counselors, Human Resources Professionals, Life Coaches, Career Coaches, Educational Advisors to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

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