Telecommunication Conversations Classifier

Telecommunication Conversations Classifier

This model is created specifically for the Mobile Network Operators. The model has 5 main categories and helps marketing professionals to understand telco consumers better.

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Packages and Campaigns: This label represents conversations about telco companies' packages and discount campaigns.
Technical Service: This label indicates the experiences about technical services of the consumers. 
Coverage:  We as consumers need good coverage at every moment since it's mostly the easiest way to stay connected. It is an essential label for telco companies that mostly talk about it. On the consumer side, it is a great label to understand the issues on coverage.
Customer Service: Are you on hold again? We are all expecting to solve our problems with customer service. This label shows the experiences with the customer services of the company.
Infrastructure: This label explains what consumers think about the technical infrastructure of an operator.


English , Spanish , Portuguese , French , German , Turkish


As social media channels have evolved, consumers started to complain via online channels rather than calling customer services. This activation led companies to get the complaints via online channels solve them by forwarding the problem to technical teams and forwarding the feedback. So the gap in communications started to be filled with companies' social media accounts. Millions of consumers want to stay connected all the time; that's is why telecommunication companies are one of the most problematic companies from a consumer point of view. As they are solving problems instantly, these companies also need to collect the data and analyze it later from a more significant point of view to understand which parts of the organization is more problematic. This model is created for the telecommunications companies who want to make our daily life easier and support us to stay connected with our loved ones.

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