Product Update #8: Beyond The Search...

Jun 18, 2021 - 1 min read
Product Update #8: Beyond The Search...


We hope you had a great week.

This week our product and development team worked on Kimola's Insight Engine for a better insight journey! 

Let's take a look!



Kimola Insight Engine

Insight Engine does not give consumer insights only!
With the "related query" feature, you can see all related concepts of your search for any product or brand. You can enrich your search by clicking any of these concepts and improve your insight.


What Do Consumers Talk About?


Content Analysis

Consumers talk about pricing, quality or many more... They can be sad, happy or angry and you can see that instantly.
When you search for something about any product or brand, Insight Engine uses a machine-learning algorithm developed by Kimola. Our artificial intelligence analyzes contents and all you got to do is consider your strategy. 


Have a great week product lovers!

Team Kimola

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