Consumer Insights: Understand Consumer Behaviors with Kimola

The way in which a person behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus.
The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. - Peter F. Drucker
It’s common knowledge now that a good marketing strategy requires knowing your customers very well. To do so, companies have been spending a significant amount of resources on market research, whether it's customer surveys, focus groups, interviews, observation, and/or field trials. Even though the methods change depending on the time we're living in; the goal stays the same: To be able to understand your customers. In other words, having a valid customer insight. Since we’re living in a digital world know, one of the best ways to build good customer insight is social media, where people continuously and willingly tell the world who they are and what they are interested in. At this point, Kimola’s Social Research Platform comes into play!
What is the Social Research Platform
Kimola’s Research Platform is a tool that provides valuable insights that would answer your market research, audience profiling, online and offline media buying, cross-marketing, event and sponsorship, social responsibility, PR, and content strategies. All AI-driven brands, research companies, advertising and marketing agencies, consulting firms, influencers, academicians, and individuals who are interested in consumer analysis can benefit from it.
How Does Social Research Work?
Kimola’s Social Research Platform is a data analytics platform that profiles thousands of people anonymously in real-time through their social media activity. It enables you to discover trends for different target groups and get recommendations for marketing actions based on lifestyle analysis. It all starts with creating audiences and then analyzing them.
How to Create and Analyze Audiences?
An audience is a group of real people who are chosen by Kimola’s AI anonymously. Our algorithm makes sure that the selected users display identifiable demographics like gender and age ratio, alongside with parameters like being active on social media. There are three ways to create an audience:
- The first method is creating an audience via a brand's, celebrity's, or organization's Twitter account. Here, Kimola’s AI analyzes engagement and following interactions of the account to select the eligible users.
- Conversations, the second method of the platform, is applied by entering relevant keywords into the system so it can create an audience by monitoring results.
- As the final method, the platform enables you to enter a ready-made user list and creates an audience based on this list. This is the option where the system works with all the users you have entered, which means that Kimola’s AI doesn’t make an elimination.
8 Features of Kimola’s Social Research Platform
Every audience that is created with one of the methods above is examined based on 8 different features:
Demographics feature displays users’ gender and age ratio distribution. Remember, Kimola AI forms an audience cleverly by making sure that these users have a gender and age. The platform allows you to filter the audience based on a specific gender and/or age ratio.
Interests feature tells you about what your target audience is interested in, by analyzing the footprints and behaviors of the users on social media. Of course, some interests have broad ranges/divisions like sports branches, music genres, etc. Our platform allows you to filter based on particular divisions, such as a specific music genre.
TV Shows feature presents you with a list of 25 top TV shows that your audience has shown interest for. You can also track the overall genres in which your audience interested. This feature comes in handy when you build a media buying strategy since it allows you to target your spending on the right shows only.
Radios and News & Media Platforms feature also helps you with your media buying strategy, by telling you in which radios and news platforms your audience is interested. News platforms also provide you with valuable insights about the audience's reactions, their soft spots, and what they find important. These insights guide you through creating efficient PR and content strategies.
Brands feature gives you a list of top-25 brands that are under the radar of your audience, whether they feel positively or negatively about them. This feature plays a significant role in strategic decisions such as brand collaborations, competitor analysis, and brand face selection. You can, of course, also find the sectoral distribution of these brands under this feature.
Influencers and Celebrities feature provides you efficient data to use in strategic decisions like influencer marketing, brand face selection, crisis management, and so on. Since the influencers are grouped accordingly with their point of interest (gaming, technology, fashion, etc.) and celebrities are grouped based on their occupations (musician, business person, presenter, etc.), you can easily filter them to specify your results.
Politics feature measures the audience's political interest, to see whether they are inclined to politics or would like to ignore it, by analyzing their interactions with political parties.
Conversations feature provides you with all the content produces for the defined keywords you used when creating an audience. It also tells you whether the contents produced for these keywords are original or just retweets. You can also find the emphasized word groups within the given conversations and filter the conversations accordingly with gender, age, and date range.
Our platform will tell you which features outweigh the others
These 8 features enable us to draw a holistic conclusion about the lifestyle of a targeted audience. Sometimes these features correlate with each other. At other times, they have to be evaluated on their own. The platform tells you the distribution of data on these features to give a clear idea about which features are more significant than the others for a particular audience. For example, some audiences might be reacting more based on their own interests rather than just following the trends created by influencers and the celebrities they love. “Feature Distribution of the Data” column in your audience report will tell you all about it.
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us!
If you’d like to know more about Kimola’s Social Research Platform, please feel free to ask us. You can always reach us via Contact Sales Page, or you can book a call via Calendly.