An Analysis of Cat and Dog People

Some people identify as cat people, and some identify as dog people. But how do they really vary in certain interests such as preferred tv shows, radio broadcasts and news channels, followed celebrities and influencers, and purchased brands. All these preferences give a glimpse into the behavior of individuals which can be targeted by marketers when creating online/offline marketing strategies. Accordingly, with this research Kimola aims to identify the similarities and differences between two audiences, namely, cat people audience and dog people audience.
How was the data gathered?
By gathering data from individuals that mentioned their cats and dogs on social media platforms, we gathered one year of worth data for both audiences. We filtered the data and created two target audiences each composed of 1500 individuals. For this research, we conducted a profile analysis from the last months into the behaviour of the two audiences.
Now let’s dive straight into the data!
Females tend to adopt and speak more about both cats and dogs, whereas males tend to speak more about dogs. The cat and dog people audience are dominated by the 18-35 age group. While the 18-24 age group is more crowded in cat people audience, the 24-35 age group is equally crowded in cat and dog people audience.
Both dog and cat people have similar interests. Graphs show that cat and dog people audience’s first seven interests lay in humor, sports, visual arts and culture, civil society, music, cinema, and science. Out of these seven interests, the only difference between cat and dog people audience lay among their first two interest. While cat people’s first interest lay in humor, dog people’s interest lay in sports. When adjusted for age, the age group 18-24 is mostly interested in music, sports, and humor. These interests are constant for both cat and dog people audiences. On the other hand, when adjusted for the age group 24-35, cat people audience is mainly interested in humor, sports, and visual arts and culture. For dog people audience, these interests are similar with a slight adjustment of sport as number one and humor as number two followed by number three visual arts and culture.
TV Shows
In contrast to many other audiences, cat and dog people audience’s first two tv show preferences does not vary. Both audiences are all about news and the two shows that they follow are Fox News and TRT1 Main News. When adjusted for gender, the first five tv shows of cat and dog people audiences differ except for Fox News as number one for both genders. While the male audience of dog people prefer tv shows that are about sports, the male audience of cat people prefer news shows. On the other hand, female audience of both cat and dog people also mainly prefer news shows.
Although radio shows are listened less compared to podcasts and music via Spotify and movies and films via Netflix, there is still an audience that listens to the radio. First of all, cat and dog people audience’s first preference is Turkish Rap FM. When gender is considered, the male audience of cat people prefer Radyo Eksen while the male audience of dog people still prefer Turkish Rap FM. Likewise, while the female audience of dog people prefer Turkish Rap FM, female audience of cat people prefer Açık Radyo. Thus, gender doesn’t make a difference on the radio selection of the dog people audience. However, for the cat people audience gender matters for radio selection.
Both cat and dog people audience primarily consume general news. Next to general news, both audiences aged 18-24 consume news about culture and art via Listenary. For cat people audience Listenary is the primary source of news followed by general news outlets, however for dog people audience, it is third in line after general news outlets. The age group 24-35 of both audiences consume the same three news channels. While BBC Turkish is the primary preference of news outlet for both audiences, the humorous news platform Zaytung is second in line for dog people followed by Sputnik Turkey and third in line for cat people after Sputnik Turkey. Last but not least, 35-50+ people in both audiences consume humorous news and general news. When compared to the general news consumed by the age groups 18-24 and 24-35, the age group 35-50+ prefers Turkish news outlets which are critical of the government.
Netflix is the most popular brand preferred both by cat and dog people audience. However, other than Netflix the first five liked brands of cat and dog people audiences does not match. The first five brands liked by cat people are Netflix, Watsons, Gratis, Twitter and Turkish Airlines. On the other hand, the first five brands liked by the dog people audience are Netflix, Twitter, YouTube, Turkish Airlines and Tesla. When the two audiences are compared, it is very visible that cat people pay more attention to their beauty and selfcare as opposed to dog people.
Let’s move on to some hot topics!
Influencers play a huge role in marketing in the current era we live in. From influencing individuals to buy a certain product to act in a certain way, influencers have the potential to affect all individual’s actions and behaviours. According to the data gathered and analyzed by Kimola, cat and dog people, audiences follow influencers mainly from the following three categories: humour, daily buzz, and wise saying. When adjusted for age, cat and dog people audiences aged between 13-50 mostly follow influencers from the humour category such as Aykut Elmas and Berkcan Güven. While dog people aged 50 and above mostly follow Turkish influencer from the daily buzz category, cat people in the same age group stick with the humor category. Therefore, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that old cat people want nothing more than a blast
Just like influencers, celebrities have immense public recognition and fame. In general, dog and cat people audiences mostly follow celebrities from the following three categories: musician, actor, journalist. Both dog and cat people audiences in the age group 18-35 mostly follow foreign and Turkish musicians, whereas both audiences in the 35-50+ age group mostly follow Turkish journalists. However, there is a distinction between cat and dog people audiences in the age group 13-18. In this age group, cat people audience mainly follows foreign actors such as Emma Watson and Ricky Gervais, while dog people audience mainly follow foreign musicians such as Rihanna and Selena Gomez. On that account, it is easily recognizable that young individuals have a tendency of following foreign celebrities when compared to middle aged and elderly who have the tendency to follow local celebrities.
Wrap-up of all ideas
If you would like to market to cat owners, you can profile your audience as a young and humorous female who follows the news and is interested in beauty and selfcare brands. If you can collaborate with a foreign actor, that would be amazing. If not, integrating art and culture into advertisements or blending it into events as workshops or activities would be an ideal way to attract the attention of this audience.
On the contrary, if you would like to market to dog owners, profile your audience as a middle-aged humorous male who follows the news, listens to Turkish rap, and is interested in sports. If you can collaborate with a Turkish musician, that would be wonderful. Or else, build your advertisements on sports such as basketball and football. All in all, always be humorous and don’t forget that both of the audiences closely follow the news.