Mixed Reviews for the NutriBullet Blender
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Mixed Reviews for the NutriBullet Blender

The NutriBullet blender has mixed reviews, with some customers expressing dissatisfaction due to issues with the blade mechanism and poor quality control. However, many customers love the blender's blending power, ease of use, and easy cleanup. Some customers have experienced motor burnout and gasket issues, while others have praised its durability and effectiveness in making smoothies and protein shakes. Overall, opinions on the NutriBullet blender are mixed, with some customers finding it to be a worthwhile investment and others feeling it is not worth the money.

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Custom Date - Apr 29, 2024
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  • Cheaper brands have better results

    This blender shuts down after 30 seconds of operation. My magic bullet doesnt do that.

    Also, the blades today started to release some grey gunk, making EVERYTHING taste metalic. So technically, it lasted a few months. My magic bullet is going now for 4 years and its still working.

    Just another example that shows just because it's expensive doesnt mean it's good. You've been warned.

    • Negative
    • Durability
    Sep 26, 2023
  • Bad Chance

    I was glad to receive my order since I eagerly expected to use the blender. I had spent days borrowing a blender from my neighbour to make some smoothies and Juices. With jaw-dropping expectations, I prepared my fruits and vegetables for the first blend after picking up the package from the local drop-off. After reading the use instructions, I had my fruits in. On blending, I was greeted with a burning smoke from the blender and a black soot from the bottom. I was so disappointed. I sent it back and was refunded, but it killed my vibe.

    • Negative
    • Durability
    Sep 24, 2023
  • Must have for people that want smoothies on the go.

    I work out and used to just add protein powder in a cup of water, which tasted nasty. Now I blend fruits with protein powder and ice and it taste amazing. I'm always on the go which is perfect because the same cup I use for blending I turn into a togo cup.

    • Positive
    • Blending Power
    Sep 24, 2023
  • Great little blender

    This is my 3rd nutribullet blender. Easy to use, and blend anything. Only downside is this one has a very short cord limiting usage

    • Positive
    • Size and Design
    Sep 21, 2023
  • Works great--quiet.

    It makes my morning smoothies with no problems. It's a lot quieter than the first off-brand unit I owned.

    • Positive
    • Motor Performance
    Sep 21, 2023
  • Smoothie blender

    "The NutriBullet has revolutionized my daily nutrition routine. Its powerful motor effortlessly blends fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients into smooth and creamy concoctions. The various cup sizes and accessories make it convenient to create individual servings or larger batches. Cleaning is a breeze with its simple disassembly and dishwasher-friendly parts. I appreciate its compact design, allowing it to easily fit on my countertop without taking up much space. The quality and durability of the NutriBullet have stood the test of time, making it a reliable appliance for my health journey. Overall, the NutriBullet has become an essential tool for achieving my health and wellness goals."

    • Positive
    • Quality Control
    Sep 20, 2023
  • See All Reviews
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30 Net Promoter
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  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for nutribullet Personal Blender for Shakes, Smoothies, Food Prep, and Frozen Blending, 24 Ounces, 600 based on online reviews collected from Amazon. The analysis helps Product Managers, Marketing Professionals, Consumer Insights Analysts, E-commerce Managers, Quality Assurance Specialists to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

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