Time Out Market: A Diverse and Vibrant Food Destination in Brooklyn
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Time Out Market: A Diverse and Vibrant Food Destination in Brooklyn

55 Water St, Brooklyn, NY 11201, United States

Time Out Market in Brooklyn offers a diverse selection of food from various cuisines. With a lively atmosphere and rooftop offering stunning views of the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges, it is a must-visit spot. While the market can get crowded and some prices are high, the food options are generally delicious. The market also caters to different dietary restrictions, including vegan options. Overall, Time Out Market provides a unique and enjoyable dining experience.

Best for
  • Restaurant Owners
  • Market Researchers
  • Food Industry Analysts
  • Culinary Tourism Operators
  • Marketing Professionals

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Featured Content
  • The food was delicious had alot of flavor but Like most BBQ spots just wish the food was hotter. Had the rib tips, beef ribs, chicharron pork (hope I spelled that right) mac and cheese and peas and rice.

    • Positive
    • Food Quality
  • Tutto molto buono, c’è un sacco di scelta. Personalmente ho preso del cibo indiano ed era molto buono. Era affollato quindi non è facile trovare posto a sedere.

    • Positive
    • Food Quality
  • Crowded. Can’t get a seat to eat the food you order. Nice food. Great service. Expensive. Nyc prices.

    • Positive
    • Crowdedness
  • Lors de notre passage à Brooklyn, nous avons été à Time Out Market, il y a plusieurs stands pour manger différentes nourritures comme indien, japonais ect…Ou pour vendre pas mal de petites choses comme des vêtements, des objets…Il y a un rooftop pour apprécier un joli panorama sur le pont de Brooklyn et le pont de Manhattan,Cependant il y a beaucoup de monde, on se retrouve vite dans la foule !Très accessible et à proximité du Pont et du Dumbo street,Je vous conseille le Time Out Market lors de votre séjour à New York,

    • Positive
    • Crowdedness
  • Found it way too busy, and booze is just crazy expensive USD 40 for two Vodkas and lemonadeFood markets where lovely but just very busy and again expensive and not children friendly

    • None
    • Crowdedness
  • If it says closes at 10 WHY all business closes at 8:50 ? NO SENSE at all ! The only thing I recommend is the rooftop! And the ice cream 🍨 they were the only ones who I was able to buy at 9:10 !

    • Negative
    • Rooftop Experience
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Sentiment Analysis
76 Net Promoter
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Frequently Asked Questions
  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for Time Out Market New York based on online reviews collected from Google Business. The analysis helps Restaurant Owners, Market Researchers, Food Industry Analysts, Culinary Tourism Operators, Marketing Professionals to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

  • This report provides the Net Promoter Score, sentiment analysis, content classification, most popular phrases, languages and a trend graph to display how the context changes over time. After purchasing the report, you can search in customer feedback and filter results based on classification labels and popular phrases. Also, the analysis is available in PDF format, and all the reviews are available in Excel.

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  • Yes, you can, and this is the fun part about Kimola! Kimola turns customer feedback into market research by analyzing online reviews from various sources.

  • Yes, you can have this research report analyzed with more reviews. The page you are viewing displays a limited preview with the analysis of 30 recent reviews. Starting from $18, you can buy the complete version of this research report containing all reviews. Click here to see the purchase options.

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