Best Darija Learning App: User Reviews & Recommendations
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Master Moroccan Darija: Exclusive Insights Revealed!

Best Darija Learning App: User Reviews & Recommendations

Discover the top-rated Darija learning app with user praises like 'Excellente application' and 'Superbe appli, trĂšs prometteuse!' This interactive and easy-to-use application is highly recommended for beginners and families looking to learn and practice Moroccan Darija. With features like letter and number inputs, it caters to various learning styles and levels. Perfect for those new to the language or planning to settle in Morocco.

Best for
  • Language Instructors
  • App Developers
  • Cultural Consultants
  • Travel Bloggers
  • Expatriates Planning to Live in Morocco

Starting from $18, you can purchase the complete report, offering advanced filters, buyer personas, and SWOT analysis, with Excel and PDF export options.

Purchased users
63 users purchased a report
in the last 24 hours.
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Here, you can see the limited preview of this report for only 29 reviews.

Custom Date - Jul 26, 2024
Featured Content
  • Excellente initiative, encourager les plates-formes dĂ©mocratisant la Darija Marocaine est important đŸ‡Č🇩

    • Positive
    • Appreciation
    Feb 05, 2024
  • Super appli, simple Ă  utiliser. On apprend facilement et rapidement.

    • Positive
    • Application Features
    Feb 01, 2024
  • Application intĂ©ressante si tu veux rĂ©viser ton darija (pour ma part car je ne pratique pas assez) . Elle est devenur jn jeux pour mes enfants qui malheureusement ne parlent pas du coup on apprend ensemble et on appliquera pdt les vacances

    • Positive
    • Learning Experience
    Jan 10, 2024
  • Bonne application qui permet d'apprĂ©hender avec facilitĂ© les rudiments du darija marocain. Incontournable quand on veut s'installer au Maroc et qu'on veut dĂ©couvrir la langue locale

    • Positive
    • Usefulness
    Jan 07, 2024
  • j'aime bien le darija mais subhan'Allah c'est un peu difficile pour certains mots

    • Positive
    • Difficulty Level
    Jan 06, 2024
  • TrĂšs bonne application allahoumma berik

    • Positive
    • Appreciation
    Jan 04, 2024
  • See All Reviews
Sentiment Analysis (of 30 reviews)
100 Net Promoter
Popular Topics (of 30 reviews)
Languages (of 30 reviews)
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Purchased users
63 users purchased a report in the last 24 hours.
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Similar Reports
  1. Google Play Reviews 82
  2. App Store Reviews 71
  3. App Store Reviews 100
Frequently Asked Questions
  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for Vivre Darija, l'arabe marocain based on online reviews collected from Google Play. The analysis helps Language Instructors, App Developers, Cultural Consultants, Travel Bloggers, Expatriates Planning to Live in Morocco to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

  • This report contains qualitative analysis with Net Promoter Score, Sentiment Analysis, content classification, most popular phrases, languages and a trend graph to display how the context changes over time. After purchasing the report, you can search in customer feedback and filter results based on classification labels and popular phrases. Also, the analysis is available in PDF format, and all the reviews are available in Excel.

  • Yes, this page is publicly available for everyone on the internet to see. You can copy and share this link with a friend, college or on social media.

  • Yes, you can, and this is the fun part about Kimola! Kimola turns customer feedback into market research by analyzing online reviews from various sources.

  • Yes, you can have this research report analyzed with more reviews. The page you are viewing displays a limited preview with the analysis of 29 recent reviews. Starting from $18, you can buy the complete version of this research report containing all reviews. Click here to see the purchase options.

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