The Four Agreements: A Life-Changing Guide for Personal Growth
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The Four Agreements: A Life-Changing Guide for Personal Growth

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a self-help book that offers four principles as a guide for a happy life. It encourages readers to be impeccable with their words, not take anything personally, not make assumptions, and always do their best. While some readers found the book repetitive, others consider it a life-changing read that offers a new perspective on relationships and personal growth.

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  • Life Coaches
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  • Self-Help Authors
  • Personal Development Trainers

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Custom Date - Apr 18, 2024
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  • Nope. So Much Nope.

    This books seems to infer that any abuse you receive is somehow your fault. Dear abuse survivors - abuse is NEVER your fault. Never. And it is absolutely ok to not be ok for a time while you heal. You also don't have to do that healing by yourself -- please don't feel like you have to take that on or that you are somehow a failure if you can't do it in your own mind like this author suggests. That is very unfair and dangerous of him to even suggest. There is help and real hope out there for you, but this book isn't it.

    Also, for those who are of any sort of Christian worldview -- this book teaches that we are all gods (Also, he utilizes a capital G -- I find that to be inappropriate from a religious standpoint as well as a grammatical one, but I digress...). It also says that we can achieve heaven through ourselves - in our own minds.

    Some of the things in the book are good, but then are immediately twisted into things that will ultimately hurt you. If you believe that everything is in your head and is your own responsibility, when bad things come your way, that you cannot actually control... you'll be sunk if you accept this worldview. You can't just magically "happy" yourself out of every situation; Pretty to think that you could do this, but not realistic in the slightest...

    Also, the book teaches a very narcissistic and egocentric way of thinking that is arguably not good. It IS good to have boundaries, but to believe that life is "your movie" and everyone else is "secondary" - yikes. Does the world really need more narcissists?

    There is plenty more to this one that I could pick apart, but I think this hits the worst of it.

    Definitely skip this one or take it with a grain of salt. I'll be throwing my copy in the trash as I cannot even stomach donating this one.

    • Negative
    • Criticism on Author's Views
    May 30, 2023
  • Must read

    Read it years ago and bought this for a friend. Simple message for positive outcome

    • Positive
    • Recommendation and Gift
    May 29, 2023
  • Excellent and easy read

    If you have not read this book or even heard of it, I recommend picking it up or ordering it today. It’s a very easy read and interesting in a self-help way. Two thumbs up!

    • Positive
    • Easy to Read and Understand
    May 27, 2023
  • Insightful

    I thought this book was great, I buy it for family and friends all the time.

    • Positive
    • Recommendation and Gift
    May 15, 2023
  • Love this book

    This book is the best ! I’ve read this book multiple times and still love this book. You will love it too.

    • Positive
    • Personal Growth and Happiness
    May 15, 2023
  • Beautiful perspective of how to live

    If a daily effort is make in following the 4 agreements, chances are you will be an extremely happy person.

    • Positive
    • Relationships and Empowerment
    May 10, 2023
  • See All Reviews
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66 Net Promoter
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  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) - Kindle edition based on online reviews collected from Amazon. The analysis helps Life Coaches, Psychotherapists, Human Resources Professionals, Self-Help Authors, Personal Development Trainers to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

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