Review of the Ring Shopping Center
Comprehensive Ringen Shopping Center Feedback Analysis

Review of the Ring Shopping Center

Götgatan 98, 118 62 Stockholm, Sweden

The Ring shopping center is currently undergoing renovations, resulting in a limited selection of shops. Despite this, it is considered a necessary facility as it houses an ICA store. Some visitors find the center unexciting and filled with food smells, but others appreciate the variety of shops and the nice food court area. The center is well-maintained and offers a wide range of options for shopping and dining. The parking garage provides a sense of security. Overall, the Ring shopping center is a decent facility, although some find it expensive.

Best for
  • Retail Managers
  • Market Researchers
  • Business Strategists
  • Commercial Real Estate Investors
  • Shopping Center Consultants

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Featured Content
  • De mkt bra centrum och trevliga personal i affĂ€rena.

    • Positive
    • Nice Atmosphere
  • Bra mĂ„ngfald av butiker. Ligger vid T-bana. Trevligt omrĂ„de.

    • Positive
    • Variety of Stores
  • The local mall where I live for now.. Very small but the food court is excellent! Well designed and lots of tasty international dishes to choose from. Much improved from what it used to be..

    • Positive
    • Food Court
  • Ringen Ă€r en galleria med mĂ„nga klĂ€d affĂ€rer, matĂ€ffer, apotek och teknik mm. Finns Ă€ven en food court med mĂ„nga olika mat alternativ. Finns veganskt och glutenfritt. Avslappnad miljö med musik och alla typer av mĂ€nniskor. Finns ett nice fik K-mĂ€rkt som har super gott kaffe och bakverk. Även veganskt. VĂ€ldigt trevlig personal.

    • Positive
    • Variety of Stores
  • VĂ€lskött shoppingcenter, stort utbud för köpsugna och hungriga. KĂ€nns lugnt och tryggt. P garage finns.

    • Positive
    • Variety of Stores
  • Vilken idiot har bestĂ€mt att innercirkeln (teatern?) ska vara upphöjd? Jag sĂ„g inte en enda varning för höjden! RĂ€tta mig gĂ€rna om jag har fel!

    • Negative
    • Shopping Center
  • See All Reviews
Sentiment Analysis (of 30 reviews)
43 Net Promoter
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Frequently Asked Questions
  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for Ringen based on online reviews collected from Google Business. The analysis helps Retail Managers, Market Researchers, Business Strategists, Commercial Real Estate Investors, Shopping Center Consultants to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

  • This report contains qualitative analysis with Net Promoter Score, Sentiment Analysis, content classification, most popular phrases, languages and a trend graph to display how the context changes over time. After purchasing the report, you can search in customer feedback and filter results based on classification labels and popular phrases. Also, the analysis is available in PDF format, and all the reviews are available in Excel.

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  • Yes, you can, and this is the fun part about Kimola! Kimola turns customer feedback into market research by analyzing online reviews from various sources.

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