Fitbit App Reviews: Syncing Issues, Sleep Tracking Accuracy, and Limited Customer Support
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Comprehensive Analysis Report on Fitbit App User Feedback

Fitbit App Reviews: Syncing Issues, Sleep Tracking Accuracy, and Limited Customer Support

Fitbit app reviews highlight various issues and frustrations, including syncing problems, lack of sleep tracking accuracy, and limited customer support options. Users express dissatisfaction with recent updates, missing features, and the removal of payment and blood oxygen level measurement capabilities. The app's layout and design changes are criticized, affecting motivation and ability to challenge friends. Scamming complaints arise from unauthorized charges for the premium service. Fitbit's acquisition by Google is met with disappointment, as functionality and sleep tracking accuracy decline.

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  • Product Managers
  • Customer Experience Specialists
  • Mobile App Developers
  • Marketing Strategists
  • Consumer Insights Analysts

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Custom Date - Jul 26, 2024
Featured Content
  • Ingenting fungerar lĂ€ngre. Kan inte ens anvĂ€nda appen eller parkoppla min inspire 2 lĂ€ngre. Appen hĂ€nger sig HELA tiden! Var bra tidigare nu helt oanvĂ€ndbar tyvĂ€rr

    • Negative
    • Syncing Issues
    Jan 19, 2024
  • Sleep goals is using some timezone that is not where I am located. Setting it to 00:00 gor bedtime sets it to 9AM. Very confusing. I also set up my profile as a male but it's comparing my fitness level to women?

    • None
    • App Functionality
    Jan 17, 2024
  • Jag gillar verkligen fitbit men nu nĂ€r min Samsung Galaxy S7 edge tydligen Ă€r för gammal för att fitbit ska kunna uppdateras sĂ„ funkar det tyvĂ€rr inte optimalt lĂ€ngre...sĂ„ trist... det Ă€r mycket pengar att köpa ny mobil nĂ€r den Ă€nnu fungerar.. nĂ„gra tips? Anki

    • Positive
    • Compatibility Issues
    Jan 11, 2024
  • Uppdatering (5 Jan 2024): Fick en ny uppdatering igĂ„r som jag hoppas löser hĂ€ngningarna (svart display). Designen Ă€r ok men varför hĂ€nger sig min Charge 5 medan jag springer?!? Har gjort det sedan senaste uppdateringen.

    • Positive
    • Syncing Issues
    Jan 05, 2024
  • Den nya layouten Ă€r inte bra alls. JĂ€ttetrĂ„kigt att möjligheten att utmana vĂ€nner i tĂ€vlingar/utmaningar försvann. Numer anvĂ€nder man knappt appen dĂ„ den inte motiverar till att trĂ€na lĂ€ngre. Det kanske Ă€r en floskel men det var bĂ€ttre förr.

    • Negative
    • Layout and Design
    Dec 05, 2023
  • NĂ€r jag skaffade appen kunde jag anvĂ€nda den för betalningar och mĂ€ta syrenivĂ„ i blodet. BĂ„da funktionerna togs sedan bort. Trots otaliga timmar med supporten kunde problemet lokaliseras men inte lösas. FitBit förstĂ„r inte att Åland Ă€r en del av Finland/EU.

    • Negative
    • Compatibility Issues
    Nov 29, 2023
  • See All Reviews
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  • This page displays purchase options and a preview of the customer feedback analysis report for Fitbit based on online reviews collected from Google Play. The analysis helps Product Managers, Customer Experience Specialists, Mobile App Developers, Marketing Strategists, Consumer Insights Analysts to discover insights into what people love, dislike, and need.

  • This report contains qualitative analysis with Net Promoter Score, Sentiment Analysis, content classification, most popular phrases, languages and a trend graph to display how the context changes over time. After purchasing the report, you can search in customer feedback and filter results based on classification labels and popular phrases. Also, the analysis is available in PDF format, and all the reviews are available in Excel.

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