Review of Aloha Protein Bars - Peanut Butter Cup a Customer Favorite
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Review of Aloha Protein Bars - Peanut Butter Cup a Customer Favorite

Aloha protein bars have mixed reviews, but the peanut butter cup flavor is a customer favorite. Some reviewers have experienced issues with quality control, with reports of runny chocolate coating and off-tasting peanut butter centers. However, many praise the bars for their all-natural ingredients, high protein content, and delicious taste. The bars are also popular among those with dietary restrictions, such as being dairy-free, low in sugar, and high in plant-based protein. While some find the bars expensive, many appreciate them as a convenient and satisfying snack.

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Custom Date - Apr 27, 2024
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  • nice soft and chewy w/ all natural ingredients

    nice soft and chewy w/ all natural ingredients

    however, amazon drivers and delivery folks cannot seem to consistently follow delivery instructions regarding placing these small boxes to the left on the porch behind.... or to the right on the porch behind....?!! The few that do, make it so easy and complete, and i give them excellent feedback. As I watch the others from my Ring Video, it would take them the same or less time to do it correctly. I am baffled, and I have yet to get a follow up call from Customer Service....Poor customer service in most cases.

    • Positive
    • Packaging and Delivery
    Apr 23, 2023
  • Love the taste!

    I’ve tried many different protein bars. This is by far my favorite. It doesn’t taste like cardboard…Highly recommended.

    • Positive
    • Taste and Flavor
    Feb 28, 2023
  • Something has BROKEN with these bars

    I have purchased and enjoyed a wide variety of Aloha power bars for YEARS now. I've bought them here at Amazon, at Sprouts and Whole Foods. In fact, I replaced a competing brand with these tasty bars because they have half the saturated fat content. Also: low in sugar and high in protein. GREAT FLAVOR!

    My ONLY gripe, which I've noticed the past year or so is that any Aloha bar covered in chocolate (e.g., these peanut butter cup bars or the chocolate fudge brownie bars) simply don't hold up anymore. Every bar or box I buy, no matter the source, ends up looking like the picture here. It seems there has been a change in the chocolate coating formulation? I'm no scientist, but it's VERY annoying to open up this bar and stare in disbelief at the utter mess of chips, pieces, etc. I end up with melted chocolate all over my hands and clothes.

    These chocolate coated bars melt like a MESS every time I eat them. I've tried refrigerating them, but they are too tough to eat cold. I'm hoping someone from Aloha mnftg will take a look at this issue, cuz I'm not imagining it. In fact, after over a year of disappointment, I finally took a picture this morning and shared it here.

    Just for the record: I'll keep BUYING them. They are just too tasty and healthy to avoid. And I also enjoy the flavors without the chocolate coating.

    • Negative
    • Quality and Ingredients
    Dec 27, 2022
  • Best Plant-based Protein Bar

    My husband and I have tried several brands of plant-based protein bars with low sugar, and this brand is our favorite so far. The peanut butter cup and chocolate fudge brownie are our favorite flavors.

    • Positive
    • Taste and Flavor
    Dec 19, 2022
  • I didn’t like

    Didn’t taste like the peanut butter they say to be like. Very dry!! Need a drink when eating.

    • None
    • Texture and Consistency
    Dec 13, 2022
  • Excellent flavors, no soybean products, sweetened with stevia. Awesome product!

    I'm a gastric bypass individual. I can only eat small amounts and minimal sugars. This product is wonderful for me.

    • Positive
    • Health Benefits
    Nov 30, 2022
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