Market Researchers

Conduct market research by analyzing customer reviews of your brand, product or application. Upload open-ended survey responses and classify them without training or coding. Leverage GPT inside Kimola Cognitive to create executive summary, list of buyer personas, SWOT analysis, and even generate FAQ’s based on customer reviews. Scrape reviews of competitors from various channels from Amazon to Trustpilot with the free browser extension of Kimola Cognitive and explore how multi-label classification can help you understand customer reviews deeply.

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Marketing and research professionals

3,000+ individuals including Market Researchers
create 5 reports in every 3 minutes at Kimola.

Research for Everyone

Kimola is loved by small-mid-sized businesses
and trusted by powerful enterprises across 80+ countries.

Paste links, search apps to scrape and analyze reviews for quick research.

Use the search box on to analyze multiple links from Trustpilot, Tripadvisor, Google Business, Amazon, App Store or Google Play. Copy and paste the links to get the customer feedback analysis report instantly.

Paste links, search apps to scrape and analyze reviews for quick research
Conduct market research with your own data

Conduct market research with your own data.

Drag and drop spreadsheet to analyze customer feedback. Scrape reviews from 30+ channels such as Amazon, Trustpilot, App Store, Google Play, G2 and classify user reviews without any training. Leverage multi-label classification to have a comprehensive understanding of customer feedback and generate executive summary, SWOT analysis, create insights list based on customer feedback.

Start with Kimola Cognitive

Analyze open-ended survey responses.

Upload a spreadsheet or integrate with Google Sheets to analyze open-ended survey responses. Export responses from platforms such as Typeform, Hotjar, Jotform and simply drag and drop to classify them effortlessly.

Upload spreadsheet
Analyze open-ended survey responses
Analyze Behaviors Contextually

Analyze Behaviors Contextually

Kimola Cognitive offers contextual classification with multi-labels that understands behaviors, needs, intents and classifies customer feedback automatically which does not require any training. By uploading spreadsheets in excel or csv formats, everyone can analyze customer feedback without any hassle.

Start analyzing

Compare NPS by Popular Topics

Analyze customer feedback with a simple drag and drop and filter data by the classification of popular topics. Compare Net Promoter Score of topics and have a general NPS, calculated automatically on the dashboard.

Start for free
Compare NPS by Popular Topics
Track KPI’s with Pre-built Labels and Custom Models

Track KPI’s with Pre-built Labels and Custom Models

Select from predefined models provided by Kimola in the Kimola Cognitive Gallery, or develop and deploy your own custom models by uploading datasets. Leverage AutoML technology, designed to construct machine learning models with high accuracy, allowing social scientists to concentrate on refining the training set content rather than dealing with technical complexities.

Visit Kimola Cognitive Gallery

Generate Summary, SWOT Analysis, Insights and TOP Liked Features Lists

Generate an executive summary, SWOT analysis, and summaries of positive and negative reviews using the interpretation gallery while creating a customer feedback analysis report. As a token of appreciation, we're offering 5 free credits to get you started.

Start for free
Generate Summary, SWOT Analysis, Insights and TOP Liked Features Lists
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Market researchers can conduct comprehensive research by analyzing customer reviews of brands, products, or applications using Kimola Cognitive. This includes uploading open-ended survey responses and classifying them without the need for training or coding. Additionally, scraping competitor reviews from various channels such as Amazon and Trustpilot is made easy with Kimola Cognitive’s free browser extension.

  • Yes, market researchers can use the search box on to paste links from platforms like Trustpilot, TripAdvisor, Google Business, Amazon, App Store, and Google Play. After the analysis, preview of the reports can be viewed and reports can be purchased for each medium separately. This allows for simultaneous analysis of customer feedback across various platforms, providing a comprehensive overview of market sentiment.

  • Multi-label classification enables market researchers to understand customer experiences on a much deeper level. By classifying user reviews into multiple relevant categories simultaneously, it reveals what customers love and what affects their experience, offering nuanced insights into customer behavior and preferences.

  • Absolutely. Market researchers can upload a spreadsheet or integrate with Google Sheets to analyze open-ended survey responses effortlessly. Responses exported from platforms like Typeform, Hotjar, or Jotform can be directly dragged and dropped into Kimola Cognitive for seamless classification and analysis.

  • Market researchers can leverage GPT integration within Kimola Cognitive to create comprehensive reports including executive summaries, lists of buyer personas, SWOT analysis, and even generate FAQs based on customer feedback. This allows for an in-depth understanding of customer behavior, preferences, and intents.

  • Kimola Cognitive enables market researchers to filter customer feedback by the classification of popular topics and compare the Net Promoter Score (NPS) associated with those topics. Researchers can have a general NPS calculated automatically on the dashboard, making it easy to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction across different aspects of the product or service.

  • Yes, market researchers can select from predefined models provided by Kimola in the Kimola Cognitive Gallery, or develop and deploy their own custom models by uploading datasets and training AI. Leveraging AutoML technology for constructing high-accuracy machine learning models helps researchers focus on refining the content of their training set without the hurdles of technical complexities, thereby tracking KPIs more efficiently.

  • Market researchers can generate various types of reports including executive summaries, SWOT analysis, insights lists,top liked features lists using the interpretation gallery when creating a customer feedback analysis report. There are more than 10 options to generate different powerful marketing collateral. These comprehensive reports provide valuable insights into market trends, customer satisfaction, and competitive landscapes.

  • Contextual classification with multi-labels in Kimola Cognitive identifies and understands behaviors, needs, intents, and classifies customer feedback automatically. This feature allows market researchers to grasp nuanced perspectives of customer interactions without necessitating any prior training, enabling a more sophisticated analysis of customer feedback.

  • As a token of appreciation to new users, Kimola Cognitive offers a trial to analyze approximately 100-150 customer reviews for free, and offers 5 free credits to get started GPT integration which allows market researchers to use Kimola Cognitive for generating executive summaries, SWOT analysis, insights, and lists of top-liked features without any initial investment. By simply uploading a spreadsheet or using the Kimola Cognitive browser extension to scrape reviews, researchers can begin their analysis journey and explore the benefits of the platform for free.